As someone who is currently well and healthy, yet becoming elderly I’m scared, husband has cancer, doing well….. we are awake Christian couple unjabbbed and the NHS scares me.

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My husband’s is taking ivermectin & fenbezadole, along with other well respected and researched supplements.

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There is now a cure for Cancer. It's called Ivermectin coupled with Fenbandezole. Look into Doctor MAKIS of Alberta in Canada. His, website is MakisMD.com The government will not allow the public to have these things so it has to be bought from India from India art. It's cheap and that is why we are not allowed to have it over the counter. It would take money away from the big drug companies.

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Chris. Chect that out:

Cancer cells cannot survive in the presence of high levels of oxygen.

¨Dr. Otto Warburg received the Nobel prize in 1931 for the discovery that unlike all other cells in the human body, cancer cells do not breathe oxygen. Cancer cells are anaerobic, which means that they derive their energy without needing oxygen. It turns out that cancer cells cannot survive in the presence of high levels of oxygen.¨ Read More


Also: The Baking Soda Formula for Cancer


Pau d'Arco is from the inner bark of tree. :



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People want heroes, but then when they show up, they’re crucified by the people who are closest to them. People want their heroes to be over the horizon, far away, Godlike, mysterious, untouchable. Jesus was betrayed by a close friend. Abel was killed by his brother Kane. That is the slave system, slaves are always turning on each other and worshiping some distant master. Slaves no more. Wake up people, you are free.

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What about the new 'assisted dying' bill?

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If you follow Canada you will become Leake Nax German. Dr Colman .can m has a great essay on it

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I didn’t phone for an ambulance during the height of jab coercion and psycho testing for all the reasons Nicola has mentioned! I knew if they got me into an ambulance, I would be told I had Covid and then taken to a Covid ward to be punished because I wasn’t jabbed. It was desperate prayer that brought my manic heartbeat (well over 100) back to normal and ended my stomach pain in seconds. I had previously been so healthy. It was actually the shedding from freshly jabbed people causing the sudden symptoms. It still baffles me to this day how what we thought were caring medical staff turned into monsters overnight (some) and I will never forget the story about Stewart, who is mentioned in Jacqui Deevoy’s film, Playing God.

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check out and read carefully a petition at citizengo.org..say no to the who,s health dictatorship-reject the pandemic treaty..be aware its a worldwide petition it can be signed and reshared widely worldwide from any country in the world including the uk..also be aware citizen go are an independent organisation which simply means that no government can interfere with or censor and suppress this petition FACT.....it currently has over 212,000 signatures

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You are a great guy David

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Hey DC don't forget about Scottish COVID inquiry evidence and let Nicola know.



Thanks for the interview.

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Many thanks for speaking out about this Nicola, and thank you Dave for having this eye opening interview.

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I have my volume on full, I can't quite hear the female voice unfortunately.

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Yes we tried several options but due to her location and WiFi we had no options but to press record and see how it goes. Her story was too damning to miss

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You can hear what she's saying with the volume up, and it's certainly worth the listen. Feels like we are living in a Science Fiction Nightmare.

Thank goodness for people like Nicola, restores your faith in humankind.

Please keep up the good work, this will be an invaluable archive

And thank you Nicola.

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The 'COVID' rules did not apply to the BBC.


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Doing the same in N.lreland media platforms showing hospitals full and putting people into Covid wards for mental issues etc all singing from the same hymn sheets all by design deliberate all lies.

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I also worked out something was wrong very early on. You didn't need to be in the medical field to just realise nothing made sense any longer and not just in the UK but in a totally different society the other side of the world!

Sadly, if I forwarded this video to any one person I know, they just would either not even bother to watch it or they would just be in such a total state of denial that none of her words would get through. The remaining people would just ask me why I am still bringing something up that is already in the past.

Even so, videos like this still need to be recorded. We must not forget what happened and we cannot assume this is anything like over. We can never rest until this is finally acknowledged.

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What a beautiful and caring human being this lady is, we will never forget nor forgive what this government did to us

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