It is estimated that GORD affects between 10% and 30% of the adult population in developed countries (1), and while common, can be a distressing symptom and left untreated progressive reflux can inflame the oesophagus leading to erosion and long-term inflammation.
This is embarrassingly tragic. The "references" are hilarious and obviously a ‘cut and paste’ job; any secondary school aged kid could have put together for their biology homework. Do better.
Cabbage juice works great for this. We juiced 1/2 cabbage, 1 small apple and 3 stalks of celery daily and our son no longer needed a PPI. Also good for ulcers. There are peer reviewed papers on this.
Some bad advice here. Who is this poster? Read the about section. Peppermint oil lessens LES pressure that can worsen GERD/ GORD. Apple cider vinegar can increase esophageal erosion. Please scrutinize these types of posts which can be harmful. However Slippery elm and DGL licorice can be helpful.
Can I suggest you go further into the pathophysiology of reflux as there are conflicting theories as to what actually causes dyspepsia and reflux, suggesting that higher stomach acid ph (less acidic) leads to the LOS not contracting which allows acid reflux into the lower oesophagus and subsequent burning pain. Dr Berg and Barbara O'Neil are useful resources for this.
Seems like allopathic medicine tends to not fully understand nor appreciate human biology which leads to flawed and harmful treatment strategies / drugs. I've lost count of pts that are stuck in the PPI --> OGD --> inc PPI + gavsicon --> OGD loop with no consideration of diet nor root cause analysis.
Elderflower juice morning and night, even if mixed with apple juice seems missing from that list. Interested to hear your thoughts Dr Cartland. And thank you for your honesty. Sorry it cost you dearly. Don't look back. Look forward to a brighter future.
This is embarrassingly tragic. The "references" are hilarious and obviously a ‘cut and paste’ job; any secondary school aged kid could have put together for their biology homework. Do better.
Cabbage juice works great for this. We juiced 1/2 cabbage, 1 small apple and 3 stalks of celery daily and our son no longer needed a PPI. Also good for ulcers. There are peer reviewed papers on this.
Peppermint oil really works. I try not to take PPI if I can help it. Great article, I shall try some of the suggestions.
Some bad advice here. Who is this poster? Read the about section. Peppermint oil lessens LES pressure that can worsen GERD/ GORD. Apple cider vinegar can increase esophageal erosion. Please scrutinize these types of posts which can be harmful. However Slippery elm and DGL licorice can be helpful.
Can I suggest you go further into the pathophysiology of reflux as there are conflicting theories as to what actually causes dyspepsia and reflux, suggesting that higher stomach acid ph (less acidic) leads to the LOS not contracting which allows acid reflux into the lower oesophagus and subsequent burning pain. Dr Berg and Barbara O'Neil are useful resources for this.
Seems like allopathic medicine tends to not fully understand nor appreciate human biology which leads to flawed and harmful treatment strategies / drugs. I've lost count of pts that are stuck in the PPI --> OGD --> inc PPI + gavsicon --> OGD loop with no consideration of diet nor root cause analysis.
Look forward to more of your articles, thank you.
Elderflower juice morning and night, even if mixed with apple juice seems missing from that list. Interested to hear your thoughts Dr Cartland. And thank you for your honesty. Sorry it cost you dearly. Don't look back. Look forward to a brighter future.
Martin Geddes on the fall of the fake command structure excellent post